14 Side Hustles You Can Do to Earn Money In 2024 @ShaneHummus

14 Side Hustles You Can Do to Earn Money In 2024 @ShaneHummus

Key Takeaways Summary:

I discovered 14 various side hustles for 2024 that you can do to generate income. The very first one is to become a Tik Tok NPC and live stream on Tik Tok, and after that, people pay you to do specific cam actions.

Pink Doll is making millions of dollars a year doing this, and she often does numerous streams a day. If you can discover your own special stick and have amazing patience, you can make a lot of cash doing this.

This may be a Facebook post that only lasts a year or a couple of months; however, right now, individuals are making a lot of cash doing this. I'll give this one an 8 out of 10 opportunities, although I do not know what it's going to be next year.

Turning items is most likely the oldest business understood by mankind. You can start as a teen and make a lot of cash flipping tennis shoes, and if you have a lot of understanding about these things, you can even make over $10,000 a month turning sneakers.

You can make a lot of money on YouTube by making guide videos, and if you're clever about it, you can even put affiliate links in the description or make your own services and products and sell them on your YouTube channel.

I offer training to a few people per month to help them start effective YouTube channels. I am quite particular about who I work with, so if you fall into those categories, you can apply for a free assessment with me.

Amazon Flex is a side hustle where you deliver plans for Amazon, and you can make over $1,000 a week. It depends on your place, but many chauffeurs make between $18 and $25 an hour.

Next on the list is going to be a mobile car and truck wash, which is likewise described as a strolling vehicle wash. Individuals who have a lot of cash want to pay a great deal of cash for convenience, and Randy Roblero makes about $77,000 a year.

Next, you are going to be writing posts online. To generate income with this, you need to niche down and become a professional at writing short articles in a specific vertical.

You can begin composing online for websites like Medium, Fiverr, and other freelancing writing websites. The key to generating income is to get really good at a specific niche and just compose for that niche.

Start a podcast. It may take a year or six months before you begin generating income, but once you start earning money, it's going to compound quickly. Podcasts likewise have an incredibly long-life span.

There are two kinds of newsletters: paid newsletters and complimentary newsletters. Paid newsletters are normally exceptionally highly curated pieces of content, and people will really pay to read them, while complimentary newsletters can also be pretty good; however, you need to sell stuff to monetize them.

Niche down and solve real problems for real individuals, and you can start a newsletter that blows up really rapidly.

You can get a Dro job in digital marketing without a college degree or previous experience by learning from my buddy Seth, who has totally free training where he will teach you what digital marketing is, the various kinds of digital marketing, and whether it's a great choice for you.

You can offer your services on Fiverr or Upwork. Choose one thing that you want to get really proficient at, and then provide it to one type of company or individual. This one is sensational, and next is going to be photography.

To earn money in photography, you have to narrow down a specific niche. For example, if you want to develop YouTube thumbnails for people, you need to make certain that you niche down and discover a niche where you can get paid much more than others.

You can generate income by evaluating résumés, helping individuals with their resumés, or changing the resume yourself. You wish to niche down and stick with one profession so you can rapidly see the common mistakes that people make.

A 35-year-old instructor made $2 million from his resume-writing side hustle. You can use your services on places like Fiverr or Upwork, and you can stand out by offering a particular kind of rumor.

Produce handmade crafts and sell them locally or on websites such as Etsy. Due to the fact that you have to put some tender, loving care into the things that you make, it's easier to stand out when selling handcrafted crafts than selling on Shopify or Amazon.

Next is going to be bush cutting and landscaping, which can consist of all kinds of various services. This is not easy work, but somebody's got to do it right, and a great deal of the time, it's these boring businesses that can be the simplest way to earn money.

Task Rabbit is an app that you can download where you can do random tasks for random people, and you can make a great deal of money with it. You can do all kinds of different stuff, and you can make a full-time income with it.

This is among my favorite side apps, and I've discussed it before on the channel. It gets a 9 out of 10 opportunity score from me.


Video Source: https://youtu.be/y_D9A1YUdQQ?si=Cn63iUiSYt3-2MPb